Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to bring for you to file my taxes?

i. Our clients should bring in all original documents that they received as income and claimable deductions, for example, W-2, investment documents, mortgage, donations.

ii. If a new client then we also request the prior-year tax return, taxpayer and spouse (if applicable) driver’s license and social security cards for everyone claimed on the tax return.

iii. Furthermore, we have PDF copies of tax organizers that list a breakdown of possible income and deductions a taxpayer may have.

i. For businesses we want our clients to bring in income, business expenses, and bank statements, or a copy of your company’s books if recorded on accounting software like QuickBooks.

ii. If a new client than we also request the last two tax returns be provided

I haven’t filed my taxes in a few years. How can you help me?

AccuTax has extensive experience dealing with filing late returns. We will also explain the process and what information should be provided to file late returns.

How long does it take to do my personal taxes?

AccuTax is committed to serving our clients with excellent advice and results in a timely and effective manner. Thus, our turnaround time is usually 1-7 days depending on the complexity of the tax return.

How long does it take to do my corporate taxes?

Business returns are more complex and to provide the service that we strive to deliver to every client, our turnaround time is about 14-21 days.

What services do you provide?

AccuTax provides tax preparation, tax planning, business consulting, payroll, and bookkeeping services. Additionally, we know that each client is different so we can tailor different packages to suit their requirements.

How do I schedule an appointment? Do you take walk-ins?

You may call (406)-245-0925 to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome; however, we prefer appointments during Tax season (January – April). Appointments allow us the time to go over the information with our client and not miss any critical information.

What are your holiday hours?

AccuTax is closed on Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas to allow our employees time to spend with their families.

What is the difference between a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and an Accountant?

There are two main differences between a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and an Accountant. A CPA must prove their accounting knowledge by obtaining a certification from passing a national exam. They are also required to stay up to date on various accounting changes by attending 40 hours a year of training. The second difference is that a CPA can review small companies and audit large publicly traded companies.

How long should I keep my tax records?

The IRS and the State of Montana can look back three years from the date the return was originally filed. There are those unique cases where each agency will go back more than 3 years, so we advise our clients to always keep their tax returns.

How can I know which CPA is best for me?

Here at AccuTax, we pride ourselves on our service, knowledge, and the ability to help educate our clients. Because of this, we have developed great client relationships over the past 30 years. This is why we believe client relationships to be the determining factor when choosing which tax preparer and/or CPA would be the best fit for a client.